Human Design Basics

After sending me your chart pdf you will join me on Zoom for a 30-minute recorded session to help you understand and apply:

  • Working with Your Energy Type

  • Getting guidance: Not-self Theme

  • Profile: Unique Hidden Gifts

  • Your Authority to Navigate Life

  • Your day-to-day success strategy

Human Design 101: Living According to My Design

After sending me your chart pdf you will join me on Zoom for a 60-minute recorded session to help you understand and apply:

  • Understand your energy type, not self-theme, profile, strategy & authority.

  • Your defined and undefined energy centers, and how to begin to decondition

  • Learn about your incarnation cross...your gifts, what you are here to learn, here to do, what keeps you healthy, and what fulfills you.

  • Discuss how this could be applied to your current life.

Human Design 102: Descondition & Build Eden

After sending me your chart pdf you will join me on Zoom for a 90-minute recorded session to help you understand and apply:

  • 90 min recorded plus 3 days messaging.

  • Detailed chart explanation including all 101 information

  • Deeper coaching to help you create a connection and understanding of yourself and your authentic nature, look at where you are out of alignment, and how to apply it toward your ideal life/work.




Ready for a Healthy Body Reset? Sober Curious? Start Here…Take a look at your relationship with alcohol and overcome feeling depleted.

Join me each day in the month for a private broadcast where you can expect:

  • 31 nourishment coaching tips for an alcohol-free month

  • Mindset shift strategies and exercises to move from self-sabotage to success

  • What to expect on key detox days and how to navigate with fun

  • How to get through the unexpected, stress, boredom + manage early sobriety fatigue

  • What’s a must in a sober toolkit

  • How to talk to all kinds of people about your break from drinking

  • mindful treats, recipes, resources, finding compassion + so much more

More than Curious? Don’t go it alone…Upgrade with group interactive coaching and connection.

In addition to the private broadcast you can also expect:

  • 12 people maximum in an exclusive Voxer group

  • A safe space to share any vulnerable reality you are working through

  • Real-time Q&A all month

  • A sober chosen circle of support

  • Fun, friendship, connection -booze and guilt free


Nourish You: Private Coaching

Get the broadcast AND unlimited wellness coaching for 9 days through Voxer app.

I love this method more than Zoom because most of us need support in the small windows of our lives …not at a designated time…so you might be out on a walk, driving, or just awake super early or late, and here you have a place to express yourself and get your needs met quick and easy. It is truly amazing how many limits you can overcome in such a short amount of time!